Thursday, March 3, 2011

Blog Response #20

#20 Describe at least one photograph that you could take for each of the following “place” prompts.
  • An image of a synthetic “place” such as Disney World, Las Vegas, a Hollywood set, a diorama, etc.: I think immediately of a picture down the Las Vegas strip in which there are millions of people crowding the streets. It is dark and the picture is done with a long shutter speed. There are lots of blurry images showing the activity.

  • An image of a fantasy/fictitious environment concocted from your imagination.: I can see the image of a treehouse with a lot of different characters from my life in it. The characters would be represented by different types of keepsakes, such as books, which would remind me of each person.
  • An image of a placeless space such as the Internet, cell phones, e-mail, e-bank, surveillance, etc.: I imagine a black hole with a very small hole and a very bright light shining through. This image represents the potential for bad and good things that come from the massive space of the internet.
  • An image of a public space.: I see a parking garage... But the image would be looking from the very top of the garage all the way down to the bottom, through the holes that form at each floor. The image would focus as far into the "floor" of the garage as possible.
  • An image of a private space.: I see a bedroom, with high contrast. I see a lot of personal things such as books and magazine which someone reads just before they go to bed.
  • An in-between space that brings to mind one of the following ideas: nomadic lifestyles, displacement, rootlessness, out-of-placeness, boundaries, movement, expansion, etc.: This is under a bridge in downtown Lansing where a lot of transients spend time. Its dark, wet and somewhat spooky, but still friendly.

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