Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Assignment 6
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Blog Prompt #26
Brainstorms! (In an effort to expand, improve, add complexity, and push your final projects further, please pick 10 of the following to discuss.)
- Ideas sometimes grow out of irritation. What is a negative thought you are having about your project? What is the opposite of this negative thought? How could you implement a change in your project so that this negative thought will subside? A lot of times I find that it is annoying or distracting to reach into place and find things. This project comes directly out of that kind of bewilderment or difficulty of reaching into dark places and feeling frustrated. I've never considered the fact that the thing for which I am reaching, is probably just as frustrated! :)
- What is the “opposite” of your final project? How can you rework your project to include the “opposite”?
I could take pictures of the actual subjects... So instead of taking it from the milk's perspective, I could take a picture of the milk. I'm not sure that this would convey any personification of the items, or provide that much creativity?! - What is a consistent theme/visual element in your project? What would be the opposite of this? How can you implement that into your project?
The visual theme that I am attempting to create is made by the framing of the project. The frame of photograph is supposed to provide context around what the scene is. For example from the perspective of a purse, the framing is the cloth that is inside the purse. This is almost the entirety of the project, because in a way it is showing what the object is, based on the frame. - Type twenty words or phrases that relate to your project.
Tough, dark, light, square, interesting, dirty, expressionless, happy!, silent, cold, bright, ceiling, desk, library, HELP!, find me - pick me!, electronics, books, mailbox, beer, bottle, mice. - At the deepest core, describe why you like this project. Dig deep!
For me, this is a huge stretch! I love trying new perspectives and things that make me feel a little "off" or weird. I think it pushes me to consider the perspective of nonhuman things, and put some expression or approach around them. - Expand your project. If time, money, materials, etc would not affect you, how would you expand your project?
I think I would work a lot more with the objects I am interacting with... Id like to use different lenses to capture things like the inside of a cup or coming out of a sewer.... There are tons of options I'd like to use, but would be difficult to pull off without "special access". - Contract your project. What would it boil down to if squeezed and contracted to its simplest form?
One guy with a wonderment for whats beyond 'normal'. - Look at one of your images. Redesign it entirely.
I would like to zoom in on the face of the person more and lighten only the face. I'd like to push everything else into the back, but keep the framing provided by the object. For the refrigerator scene, this would mean darkening the fridge and putting more light on my face. - Divide your project into three components. Rearrange and reassemble them in your mind.
1. Personification- Making objects have a human element
2. Whats beyond? - Having a gaze into normal objects, but with an expression that something else is out there
3. Frame- What provides context for each scene. - List your assumptions about your project. Reverse these.
- I assume that the object has some personality... Make the object just that... without any personality or wonder.
- I assume the person looking, is looking for something... Blank stare?
- I assume that the scene is relatively normal (like a fridge).. SEWER! Find weird spots to take the new perspective. - What would your project look like 100 years ago? What would your project look like 100 years in the future?
WOW... Different scenes... Different people... Different dress. I think that what makes this different in the past or the future is not the expression, but rather the things that give each photo context. - Remove something from your project. How does it change?
Background - It makes the focus point between the subject and the perspective much more intense. This could be done by putting black in the back of the scene. - Persuade the reader that your project works well and is the most amazing project you have ever completed.
By viewing this project, you will be transformed to a place that you dont recognize... a place where the normal is turned on its side. View the world from a different perspective... from the victim of your consumption. - Persuade the reader that your project stinks. Then, persuade the reader that you will make changes so that it no longer stinks. Boring... dont see this thing... Weird shots from normal spaces... Why waste your time? SEE ABOVE FOR EXCITMENT!!!
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Composition: The branch is really important in this image... It really frames the entire shot and helps to kind of guide the eye into the rest of the shot. I used the curvature in the branch to keep the viewer's eye in the right spot.
Composition: I am centered in the photograph with the road guiding the eye down towards the background. The photo was cropped to take out the extra road and trees in the foreground and background.
Composition: This time series was done at a restaurant. I framed the edge of the table in the upper right hand corner and the subjects entering from the left. The daylight provided enough for some interesting, but subtle shadows to appear.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Blog Response #25
Look through the list of recent entrants to this call for photography.
Pretend you are curating a show and choose 7 photographers to include in your show. Describe why you would pick those particular artists and what about their work stands out to you.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Historical Photographer - Joel-Peter Witkin
Contemporary Photographer: Tim Head
Assignment 4
Composition: In this photograph, the framing of the picture puts the subject at the front and center. The darkness of the scene or of his clothes help to frame the edges. In the background, the other members of the band stand by.
Composition: This picture places the focal point at the tongue of the shoe and blurs out the foreground and background. The shoes are centered in the frame and take up nearly the entire frame.
Context: In this photograph, I am hoping to communicate the strangeness associated with taking pictures of famous people! I'm not clear as to why this happens or how the subjects can put up with it. Here the bike has no choice, just as famous actors and actresses have no choice... They are subjected to a strange addiction we have with famous people.
Blog Response #24
Nick Nicosia- This image is awesome! I love the composition and I feel like it is communicating a gap between oneself. Anyway, I would reconstruct this using two small dolls. Ideally, I'd like the dolls to be dressed in black. Then I would get a shoe box and a desk lamp. I would experiment with ways to get the similar lighting. Also, I would paint the background of the shoebox white and the sides would be black.
Jeff Koons- This guy is really creative... Amazing what he has come up with. The image I chose below seems to be a super large balloon animal. I would recreate this by somehow (?!) making a balloon animal and putting him on a box (box would be upside down). Then I would shoot the animal close up with a high aperture setting. Lighting would have to be in front and behind.
**Note: I wasn't able to find this image, except on the front page of his website... hence the writing**
Describe your plans for your self-proposed final project (if the plan is the same as before, paste it here again and give a bit more detail). During the final critique for Assignment #5, you will discuss/present these ideas to the class.
Blog Response #23
In what ways do you “construct” your identity? In what ways do you “perform” in your daily life?
I think everyday we are performers in some sense. Each of us have a "professional" identity, a "school" identity and a "personal" identity. Each of these roles comes with different slices of who we are and we must construct them to become one person. As we go through our day, we use different constructs of this framework as we interact with the people and things around us.
Describe some ways in which your personal culture and social environments are “constructed”.
My personal culture is constructed with many different people and interests. For me, some of my culture is made up of things that I do on my own. An example of this is photography - this activity forces me to approach the world and consider things in new ways. This same mentality flows over to my professional life - How can I can what some consider a hobby, such as photography and apply that same type of thinking to my work life. When it comes to social constructs, I find that I am really good spending a lot of time on my own... I have a few great friends and people I trust and then many people who I enjoy, but wouldn't necessarily depend on. To take a different perspective, this social environment is one that is such a mixture of people and places - it is almost a canvass.
Describe some ways in which your physical environment/space is “constructed”.
At its most basic level, I live within the confines of an apartment... I have to have everything in its place! I organize and reorganize to make sure I know where everything is. But from a different perspective, I float between spaces really... There is school... and then there is home... Each of these environments bring my mind to different places. When I think school, I think fast paced, hard surfaces... it has a 'sharpness' to it. When I think home, I consider the softer side of my life... where Im comfortable and at ease.
In your daily life, what would you consider to be “real” and what would you consider to be “constructed/fabricated”?
As a cynic, I think almost everything in life has some construct... at least in our modern world. As we approach life, we are surrounded by things that are always telling us where to go, or what to do. However, we have great opportunities to forego the pression that is implied by these things...I find that it is really important to go camping and leave the "constructs" that we have in our life. It always give me a chance to realize that there is so much more meaning to the world out there than some of the insignificant things we place so much value on.
Describe a narrative tableaux that you might create to be captured by a photograph. A narrative tableaux can be defined as “Several human actors play out scenes from everyday life, history, myth or the fantasy of the direction artist” ( Constructed Realities: The Art of Staged Photography Edited by Michael Kohler , 34).
I see several small characters in my tableaux... They are miniature.. and they travel about using small scooters. Their world is one that we all take for granted, but they see it from a much different perspective... They are looking at the world as if it were huge! A living room for them is like the globe for a human. Regardless, there are hundreds of them and the scene they live in is under the kitchen sink. Each of them has a "home"... many times it is in a small crack or underneath a pipe. The society they embrace has humans as an annoying but survivable enemy. They realize that humans dont want to hurt them, they just dont know better. At one point, there was a huge massacre caused by a human... When a pipe burst underneath the sink, water began flowing into every home they ever made. Many where able to survive because of their ability to grab on to the sides of cabinets... But many other drown.
Describe an idea for a photograph that includes a miniature stage or still life. A description of such an image is “The tableaux reconstructs events as in the narrative tableaux, but in miniaturized format, using dolls and other toy objects” (Kohler, 34).
I think a great set of photographs takes a small small character, alone, and puts him in many different strange locations... One might be in the bathroom, another might be on a dumpster, etc. Each of the locations creates a unique and strange relationship between the seemingly unfitting character in the scene.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Semi-Contemporary - John Baldessari
Historical Photographer Research - Leslie Gill
Monday, March 14, 2011
Recreation Assignment #4
Blog Response #21
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Blog Response #20
- An image of a synthetic “place” such as Disney World, Las Vegas, a Hollywood set, a diorama, etc.: I think immediately of a picture down the Las Vegas strip in which there are millions of people crowding the streets. It is dark and the picture is done with a long shutter speed. There are lots of blurry images showing the activity.
- An image of a fantasy/fictitious environment concocted from your imagination.: I can see the image of a treehouse with a lot of different characters from my life in it. The characters would be represented by different types of keepsakes, such as books, which would remind me of each person.
- An image of a placeless space such as the Internet, cell phones, e-mail, e-bank, surveillance, etc.: I imagine a black hole with a very small hole and a very bright light shining through. This image represents the potential for bad and good things that come from the massive space of the internet.
- An image of a public space.: I see a parking garage... But the image would be looking from the very top of the garage all the way down to the bottom, through the holes that form at each floor. The image would focus as far into the "floor" of the garage as possible.
- An image of a private space.: I see a bedroom, with high contrast. I see a lot of personal things such as books and magazine which someone reads just before they go to bed.
- An in-between space that brings to mind one of the following ideas: nomadic lifestyles, displacement, rootlessness, out-of-placeness, boundaries, movement, expansion, etc.: This is under a bridge in downtown Lansing where a lot of transients spend time. Its dark, wet and somewhat spooky, but still friendly.
Blog Response #19
1) should not be photographed? Why?
I think in cultures where photographs are bad luck, there should be restrictions around this. In no way is a photograph more important than the culture where photographs are being taken. Additionally, there are some intimate moments in one's life that shouldn't be photographed. I think this is different for everyone, but there are lines of respect which one must be careful not to cross.
2) cannot be photographed? Why?
I dont think there is much that absolutely CANNOT be photographed. The only thing that I can think of are things we aren't aware of. For example, we have been able to capture and photograph things like space, which we didn't know enough about in the past to be able to even take pictures of.
3) you do not want to photograph? Why?
I would prefer not photograph people who are weak moments. I find that people dont want to be photographed during times in their life when things are bad or weak.
Assignment 3
Composition: The picture places the sunset to the left and shows a lot of the blank space to the right. The sun is placed at the center to create an effect of a longer, but even horizon.
Concept/Aboutness/Idea: This image is about the freedom and openness we have as individuals. When I see this picture, I see a world of possibility. The way I took the picture was to communicate this huge expanse. All in all, it should make the viewer happy about the future and whats to come.
Method: I took this during a flight and took many pictures and angles of the sunset. I included some of the parts of the plane in other photographs, but this one seemed to get across what I really wanted to show: Openness. I was cramped into a seat with a lot of people around, but that was freeing in a way to think more creatively. I aligned different angles and zooms to refined.
Motivations: To communicate an open world and openness to experience.
Context: This I think address some social contexts out there with how the world is fighting (Middle East). I think we lose sight, more often than not, about what the world really should be. This picture might be a reminder to the leaders that there is more to the world than just power. The photograph reminds me of some of the work by Richard Mosse insomuch that it is a similar subject to what Richard has done. The composition is slightly different.
PART 2- REACTIONS. 3.15.11
Interpretation: Many people find this to be a relaxing photo that shows early morning light. It is actually a sunset, but some feel it is more "morning light".
Evaluation: I think the composition is good and the lighting is just okay. Overall, I think the photo is somewhat boring and generic. Even after editing, it seems to make the horizon smaller than what I would have liked to capture.
Extension: I would like to use this as a starting point for a series of sunsets and sunrises... It could be a nice spot to start in capturing this type of light with different scenes.
Composition: This picture is composed with the lights and street leading through the middle of the picture at a diagonal. The steam from the street is masking the lights which are at the top left and right of each corner.
Concept/Aboutness/Idea: This image is about the old and the new. Although the picture is of Lansing as it is today, it also represents what was in the past.
Method: I used a somewhat longer shutter speed for this picture because it was taken at night. There was very little light around me at the time. I used a tripod because of the long shutter speed. I worked from several different angles to get this picture because the steam was constantly moving.
Motivations: To bring together the old and the new in a different way.
Context: This photograph captures how we as a society are constantly looking backwards as we approach our own futures.
PART 2- REACTIONS. 3.15.11
Interpretation: Many people see this photo as something from the past. It was expressed that it almost looks "old" or "historical".
Evaluation: The composition is relatively good and the steam seems to frame up the subject. The photo is a little too dark and therefore loses some of the effect that I was hoping to capture with the picture. This got worse after turning it into a black and white.
Extension: I think this could be a starting point to show dark scenes in downtown areas. This could be a spot for dark alleys and even dirty areas (dumpster, etc.).
Composition: This picture captures on the right most of the street lamp. Nearly the entire upper right section of the photograph shows the lamp and on the lower left hand corner is the statue. Overall, there is a balancing effect between these two key objects.
Concept/Aboutness/Idea: This image reminds me of New York City in the winter. It is capturing the serenity that seems to come with snow, even when there is a lot of chaos.
Method: I used an aperture around f/5.6 and took the picture from many different angles. It was during the middle of the day, so there was a lot of light to work with. In the future, I would have gotten closer to the subject and not used as much zoom. This would have helped to blur the background more. In photoshop, I sharped the lamp and blurred the rest of the photograph.
Motivations: To capture the serenity that comes with the snow in the city.
Context: The picture reminds me of the work of Pannos Kokkinias in some ways. The composition and colors are similar to Pannos'. Overall, this picture communicates how the world seems to wrap around us and changes, without us really noticing.
PART 2- REACTIONS. 3.15.11
Interpretation: This photograph was also viewed as somewhat historic. The lamp in focus seems to bring you back to another place in time, even though there are modern day things in the background.
Evaluation: This is my favorite of all of my photographs because it seems to be the best composed. I think it is interesting because of the background - it seems to capture your attention.
Extension: I'd like to do a series of photographs that show public lamps such as this one. All the lamps seem so interesting and almost out of place within the bounds of a city landscape.
Composition: The airplane is centered in the middle of the photo and the sides are blurred. Overall, the subject takes up the majority of the photograph and other elements fade out.
Concept/Aboutness/Idea: The concept in this photograph was to capture something that was strange within its own context. The plane is hanging from the ceiling of a building and seems to be really out of place, but is not really noticed by the people who see it.
Method: I was using the escalator and riding up taking pictures. It struck me that the plane would be an ideal subject and my camera was already on a longer shutter speed. Somehow I was able to get the focus point at the propeller, but everything else blurred.
Motivations: I wanted to show the motion of the plane in a strange context. The photograph should make someone think hard and look hard at what is happening.
Context: In a way this photograph reminds me of Duane Michals. Duane has some work in which the size or perspective of his work is way off and much different. I think this photograph does the same thing.
PART 2- REACTIONS. 3.15.11
Interpretation: Most people seem to think that this photograph is actually a toy airplane. The picture was actually taken in an airport. Many people think that the plane looks like it is coming right at you.
Evaluation: I think I got luck with the focus point being in at the center of the plane, however, I wish more of it were in focus. I didn't have a tripod, but I think that the main improvement would be the overall focus of the plane.
Extension: This could be the beginning of a series of pictures in transportation spots, like the airport and train station.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Recreation Assignment #3
I chose to recreate a dream that I have on occasion. I composed it with a small aperture and flourescent lighting coming from the right side. In order to show movement, I change the arrangement of the pieces for each shot. I focused on the king of the chess board each time with the other pieces in the background blurred out.
Eirik Johnson
Birthdate: 1974, Seattle
Education: BFA, MFA
Creation: 2007-2010
Most recently known for his work in a collection Sawdust Moutain, Eirik traveled across the pacific northwest taking photographs of landscapes. These range from forests to abandoned trains. His focus is environmental insomuch that it shows the relationship between natural resources and the communities they support.
Nearly all of his photographs were taking during the daytime and range from portraits to just landscape. He composes his pictures to capture natural lighting and what seems to be a relatively peaceful environment. As far as the subject matter, that varies greatly as well. He emphasizes natural colors and lighting in all of his photos.
All of his pictures seem to capture natural scenes which seem largely untouched. This even carries through with pictures that have animals and humans.
Not too sure about this, but my guess would be that he uses a relatively fast shutter speed and small aperture. Most of his pictures have everything in focus and are also flush with lots of natural light.
Hes really trying to depict the fragile relationship between the environment and the people who live in it and take from it.